Hypnotherapy and Virtual Gastric Band: A Natural Transition from Weight Loss Drugs to Sustainable Results

As more and more people struggle to maintain a healthy weight, pharmaceutical interventions like Ozempic and Saxenda have emerged as popular choices for weight management. These drugs, often prescribed alongside diet and exercise, can be effective in jumpstarting weight loss. However, what happens when individuals want to transition off these medications? They’re not cheap after all, sometimes the side effects can become too difficult to live with, and we don’t know the long-term implications of extended use yet. This is where hypnotherapy and the virtual gastric band technique step in, offering a holistic approach to sustaining weight loss without pharmaceutical dependence.

The Challenge of Transitioning: For many individuals, the prospect of discontinuing weight loss drugs can be daunting. These medications often suppress appetite or alter metabolism, making it easier to shed excess pounds. However, their long-term use may not be sustainable or desirable due to potential side effects or diminishing effectiveness over time. Moreover, once these drugs are no longer part of the equation, there's a risk of rebound weight gain if underlying emotional issues for overeating haven’t been resolved, and healthier habits aren't firmly established.

Enter Hypnotherapy and the Virtual Gastric Band: Hypnotherapy, a therapeutic technique that leverages the power of suggestion and deep relaxed focused absorption to bring about subconscious change. When applied to weight management, it can help individuals develop a healthier relationship with food, manage cravings, and adopt positive lifestyle habits. The approach that has gained traction is the virtual gastric band, a non-surgical procedure that uses hypnosis to convince the subconscious mind that the stomach has undergone gastric band surgery, resulting in reduced appetite and smaller portion sizes.

How It Works: During my hypnotherapy sessions, I guide my clients into a state of deep relaxation where they are more receptive to suggestions. These suggestions may include visualisations of a healthier future with better eating habits, increased motivation for exercise, and enhanced self-esteem. For those opting for the virtual gastric band, the therapist uses hypnotic techniques to simulate the experience of gastric band surgery, reinforcing the sub-conscious belief that the stomach has a smaller capacity which leads to feelings of satisfaction with less food.

Benefits of Hypnotherapy and the Virtual Gastric Band:

  1. Sustainable Weight Loss: Unlike pharmaceutical interventions that provide temporary solutions, hypnotherapy aims to instil lasting behavioural changes, making weight loss more sustainable in the long run.

  2. No Side Effects: Hypnotherapy and the virtual gastric band carry minimal risk of adverse effects compared to weight loss drugs, which may cause nausea, diarrhoea, or other unpleasant symptoms.

  3. Holistic Approach: These techniques address not only the physical aspect of weight loss but also the psychological and emotional factors that contribute to overeating or unhealthy habits.

  4. Empowerment: By tapping into the power of the subconscious mind, individuals feel more in control of their eating behaviours and are better equipped to make healthier choices independently.

Transitioning Off Weight Loss Drugs: As individuals gradually reduce their reliance on weight loss medications, hypnotherapy can serve as a valuable tool for maintaining progress and preventing relapse. Addressing the underlying issues driving overeating or sedentary behaviour helps reinforce positive habits and fortify the mindset needed to navigate life without pharmaceutical assistance.

While weight loss drugs like Ozempic and Saxenda may offer initial results, their long-term use is not always ideal. Hypnotherapy, particularly through techniques like the virtual gastric band, presents a compelling alternative for individuals seeking sustainable weight loss without pharmaceutical dependence. By harnessing the power of the mind, this holistic approach empowers individuals to achieve and maintain their weight loss goals, paving the way for a healthier and more fulfilling life

If you’d like to use Hypnotherapy and the Virtual Gastric Band or VGB Melbourne for long-term, sustainable weight loss and a healthier mindset, give me a call at 0435 923 817 or book your first session online, 4, 6 and 8 session options are available to meet your individual needs and provide the ongoing support for your weight loss success.

Useful links:




The Silent Struggle: Women Navigating Menopause Without Support


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