Box Breathing. An Easy And Effective Way To Reduce Anxiety

Box breathing is a very simple yet effective tool that can be used to calm yourself even in very stressful circumstances. Navy Seals and Emergency Service workers are often taught to use this technique in highly charged situations.

  • Breath in for a count of 4

  • Hold for a count of 4

  • Breath out for a count of 4

  • Hold for a count of 4

and repeat for as long as necessary

When we're anxious, we tend to feel hyper-vigilant, this is because our sympathetic nervous system is activated, box breathing helps to activate your parasympathetic nervous system, which is the calm system.

If you'd like help managing your anxiety call me on 0435 923 817 or use the contact form on this page to get in touch.

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Take the weight off your mind to take the weight off your body.