Take the weight off your mind to take the weight off your body.




Have you been yo-yo dieting for years? Have you been trying to meet ridiculous and unrealistic standards of appearance set by the media and the advertising industries?  It's exhausting, and what's more, it's designed to set you up to fail.

Diet's don't work; that's a simple fact.  Diets set you up to feel deprived, obsessed with food and generally miserable.  Diets may help you achieve short term success; however,  the sense of deprivation will lead to relapse.   The diet industry business model relies upon getting you back on their lucrative merry-go-around as frequently as possible.  The body shape represented as standard in the media is far from it.
For too long, we've tried to meet unreasonable expectations, not just of others, but the unrealistic physical aspirations we've been conditioned to have for ourselves.

What if you remove the concept of dieting from your mindset, and instead focused on living a healthy, active life? If you improve your relationship with food, you will learn to appreciate and enjoy it for just what it is, i.e. fuel for your body.  Improving your relationship with food may require some retraining for your brain.  
Currently,  your brain may perceive food as:

  • a reward

  • a stress breaker

  • a cure for boredom and loneliness

  • a means of procrastination

  • a suppressant or distraction from any uncomfortable feeling or   emotion

That is not what food is meant to be.  It may provide a temporary sense of relief; however, the relief is short-lived.   What follows is often feelings of guilt, disgust, and disappointment, and so the cycle continues as you eat again to make yourself feel better.

Hypnotherapy allows you to Fast-track this brain retraining process. During hypnotherapy, you'll learn a more effective way of processing and managing all the experiences you currently use food to avoid. A healthy mindset for a healthy body.

You will learn to be satisfied with smaller amounts of food.  The foods that are appropriate to help you thrive.    You will learn to accept food for what it is rather than obsessing over it. You'll be clear about your actual requirements.  You'll enjoy eating in a healthy balanced way.  Most importantly you'll achieve a healthy weight and enjoy so much more headspace!

There are many reasons for maintaining a weight that is healthy for you.  Excess weight  can lead to a multitude of health problems e.g. 

  • Type 2 Diabetes

  • Sleep Apnoea 

  • Heart Disease

  • Cancer

  • Damaged joints

  • And many more

  • Lack of energy

  • High blood pressure

  • Gallbladder disease

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Gout

The most important reason, in my opinion, is to enable you to have the power to live a happy, healthy life on your terms! Enjoying every aspect of your life (including food).

If you'd like to know more about hypnotherapy can help you please give me a call at Hypfocus Therapies Hypnotherapy Melbourne on 0435 923 817 or use the contact form at this link.  We're located in Mentone, South East Melbourne.


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